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Can space help save the planet?

When we think about the challenges we face on Earth, the instinct is to look for answers around us. But what if these answers are above us? The astounding findings of the second phase of our ‘What on Earth is the value of space?’ research confirm what we have long believed – that space can play a pivotal role in combatting climate change on Earth.

For the first time, Inmarsat, in partnership with world leading sustainability consultants Globant, has quantified the carbon tonnes per annum that three major sectors could save by using satellite communications technologies.

Download our report Can space help save the planet? to see for yourself. You can also read our five steps for using space-based technologies to help the fight against climate change.rt

Safeguarding our future

Here is the good news: technology that could help significantly reduce CO2 emissions and take us further towards Net Zero already exists.

Satellites are helping sectors like agriculture, transport and energy identify efficiencies and decarbonise to the tune of 1,500,000,000 tonnes (1.5 gigatonnes) of carbon per annum – the equivalent carbon output of the UK, France and Germany combined. But there is still more that could be achieved. And it could be achieved sooner than you might imagine.

The report, available now, quantifies the effect of satellite communications on global CO2 emissions. It proves that satellite technology should form a key pillar of any Net Zero strategy. And, most importantly, it shows that there is space for hope.

Stylised photo with text reading: Adopted globally satellite technology could remove up to 1.8 gigatonnes of CO2 per year, equivalent to removing all household CO2 emissions in the UK for 25 years
Infographic reading: By 2020 Iris could save aviation annual savings of 6.5 million tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the carbon emissions of cities like Seville or Florence for a whole year

Reasons to be hopeful in the face of climate emergency

Urgent and credible climate action is needed in the race to halve global emissions by 2030. These ambitious goals require innovative technology and the maximisation of current decarbonising technology. To this end, existing satellite-enabled technologies could help us avoid up to 5,500,000,000 tonnes (5.5 gigatonnes) of carbon emissions per annum. That is the equivalent of taking all the world’s cars off the road – for a whole year.

An analysis into nascent satellite technologies shows even more astonishing results. These emerging technologies could see decarbonisation reach 8,800,000,000 (8.8 gigatonnes) per annum. That is like avoiding the CO2 emissions required to provide energy to North, Central and South America for more than a year.

“When you consider climate change … it is hard not to feel overwhelmed. However, upon reading this report, I hope you will look to the future with an extra measure of optimism. I certainly do.”
Rajeev Suri, CEO, Inmarsat

Efficiencies can be found everywhere

The three key sectors that the report explores amount to an estimated 60% of the world’s carbon emissions:

  • Agriculture / forestry / land use
  • Transport / logistics
  • Energy systems

Industries like shipping, aviation and agriculture are critical to our way of life and they will have to keep growing to meet ever-increasing human needs. Reducing their emissions at the same time is the great, defining challenge of our era.

The report shows that the space sector offers a vast decarbonisation opportunity. Satellite communications, satellite navigation and the Internet of Things have the potential to radically transform how we live, work, produce and transport goods across the globe.

Stylised image showing a ships captain on the bridge of his vessel with a star filled sky above
Image with text on it reading: Without sustainability in orbit there can be no sustainability on Earth

The health of Earth’s orbit is key to the health of Earth

However, it is clear that positive change will depend on how governments, international institutions and global businesses come together to make the most of our shared space-based infrastructure – and keep that sustainable as well. There are around 100,000 launches of space-based technology proposed by 2030. It’s vital that we co-ordinate and manage this expansion.

Because without sustainability in orbit, there can be no sustainability on Earth.

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