Home Cyprus OSM’s sustainable offshore testing program

OSM’s sustainable offshore testing program

OSM Maritime Group contributes in another important Maritime Milestone!

Total is testing a ship-to-ship offloading technology – A new oil transfer system with the use of a Cargo Transfer Vessel (CTV), could offer significant savings and cut Co2 emissions.

Testing takes place on the Lapa oil field in the pre-salt Guaratiba Group of the South Atlantic Santos Basin.

The Cargo Transfer Vessels are fully managed by OSM team in Norway in cooperation with OSM Brazil as EBN. OSM have combined our expertise on both Shuttle tankers (DPST) and Offshore vessels in this project to have the best operation for the vessels purpose.

The 2nd phase of the offshore testing consisted of field tests, telemetry system tests and emergency simulations which have been successfully completed. We are looking forward to the next stage of the testing program.

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